Frequently asked questions Digitize Iași Hackathon

When is Digitize Iași Hackathon taking place?
Digitize Iași Hackathon will take place on May 20th, 2023, starting 09:00 at Iași City Hall.
Do I need to be physically at the location to participate?
Yes, in order to participate at Digitize Iași Hackathon, we require physical attendance. Being present, you'll benefit of connecting with other professionals, get the chance to work with mentors and present your idea or solution in front of the jury.
Why should I attend?
There are multiple benefits for you to attend Digitize Iași Hackathon:
  • receive support for the development of your innovative ideas and have the chance to win the prizes offered by our partners
  • connect with other professionals, students and entrepreneurs from various fields, ready to share their knowledge
  • build important professional relationships and discover new opportunities for collaboration and development through interaction with other participants and entrepreneurs
  • contribute to the development of the next software solutions for Iași and its citizens
Can teams register for the event? How many members can a team have?
Besides individual registration, if you're already part of a team, you can register as a team (up to 6 members). Just make sure you select Team registration in the registration form.
Do all team members need to register?
No, we only need one registration entry. During the registration process, the member filling the details will have the capability to also add the name and e-mail address for each member of the team.
On what kind of projects will I work on?
Attending Digitize Iași Hackathon, you'll be working on a solution for one of the 3 proposed themes:
  • Promoting and incentivizing public transportation using gamification
  • Noise pollution and citizens protection
  • Intelligent traffic light system, reduce intersection congestion
Can I start working on a solution before the hackathon?
Yes, this was the main reason for adding the challenge selection step as part of the registration form. Through Digitize Iași Hackathon we're aiming to develop meaningful applications for Iași and its citizens.
Can I continue the development of my solution after the hackathon?
Yes and we'll be assisting you with mentoring and coaching sessions, making sure that what you're building can become one of the next groundbreaking software solutions that we envision for Iași.
What do I need to bring with me for the hackathon?
As our event is taking place within Iași City Hall, we'll need a valid ID/Passport to validate your registration. You'll also need your laptop, a mouse, phone, headphones, chargers and anything else you may consider necessary.
Does it cost anything to participate at Digitize Iași Hackathon?
No, there is no fee to participate at the hackathon.
If I'm traveling from outside Iași, is it possible to get reimbursed for my travel expenses?
Unfortunately, we won't be able to reimburse any of the expenses with travel or accomodation.
How can I contact the organizing team, if I have any further questions?
You can reach out by sending us an e-mail at [email protected] or through messaging on our Facebook page.