Challenges EduTech Iași Hackathon

Counseling and career guidance for children and young people

Romania occupies a leading place in Europe in terms of low school motivation. Even if there are cases of students who drop out of school due to lack of material, exploitation through work or other problems, another important cause is lack of motivation and the lack of perspective regarding one's own future, combined with the lack of confidence in own strengths. Having a clear representation of their own educational path and on the specific stages, being aware of their own skills and competences could make a difference.

Challenge owners: World Vision Ness Digital Engineering

Address the problem of school dropout with the help of the digital environment

1 out of 5 children drop out of school in rural areas, and 44% of Romanian students suffer from functional illiteracy (PISA Test 2018 - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). In 2019, in over 1,000 schools in Romania, no 8th-grade child obtained an average of 5 in the National Assessments. Almost 40% of schools in Romania are considered disadvantaged schools - with students at high risk of dropping out, low academic performance and poor economic conditions.

Challenge owner: Teach for Romania HTEC